Curta Calculator Emulator

This 3D model of the Curta calculator was created in Blender and animated in Unity, and runs on recent browsers via WebGL. The design and measurements are taken from the plans on, for a Type I, version 2.0.1.

The model view can be rotated by right-button drag with a mouse or by two-finger drag on a tablet touch screen, as well as by the screen buttons for Front and other particular views. Input sliders, the operating handle, and other movable parts can be moved by clicking, touching, or dragging in fairly obvious ways. The carriage moves left one unit with each click and is reset all the way by a click on the CURTA ring label. The clearing lever moves both ways -- clockwise with a click and the other way with a drag. The decimal marker does not move, sorry.

For arithmetic operations, consult a Curta manual. Instructions can be found on several websites, such as
